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The bet.
A man was in a bar playing pool with his friends. They seemed to have a bit of a argument. The man left his friends and walked over to the bar. As he sits he called the bartender over and ask for a whiskey sour. When the bartender brought his drink to him the man made a offer, "I bet you a thousand dollars I can stand on your bar and pee into that spitune, with out .spilling a drop." "With out spilling a drop?" The bartender replies. "Yes not one drop." "Well I usually don't take a fools money but this is too good to be true." So the man stands on the bar and unzipps his pants. He aims and aims taking good care to make sure every thing is lined up right. Then all the sudden he wips around and pees all over the bar. He shoots the toupe off some coustomers head. Writes his name on the mirror, fills up a couple of glasses, he hits every thing but the spitoon. When he was done he zips up his pants gets off the bar and smiles at the bartender. "Looks like you hit everything but the spitoon." The bartender says smiling also. "Yup that I did here is your money." The man hands the barkeep his cash, still smiling and heads back to the pool room. "Wait," the bartender says curiosly. "Why are you smiling bigger than me if you just lost a grand." The man replies, "I bet the guys in the pool room I can pee all over your bar and all you would do is smile about it."
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