Please enjoy these poems by Tom and Dave Hudnall they have
assured us there will be more form these two in the near future.
A part of the H.A.B. network.
My Friend: by David Hudnall
In the desert I saw a beast squatting on the ground, in his hands he
held a heart dripping blood on the sand and ate of it. I asked, "is it
good friend?" The beast cocked his head and looked at me with a sad
little grin and mummbled "it is bitter." The beast then paused and the
little grin grew into a huge smile and he began to speak again "But I
like it because it is bitter, and because it is my own heart." I often
wonder what became of that beast, for you see he also ate my heart.
Mediocrate: by Tom Hudnall Once when I was young I saw a world in my dreams. No one felt hate.
No one felt love, no one felt anything. They lived there lives feeling
nothing. I would think how great that was no one got hurt. No one felt
pain or loss. No one ever cried. No one ever felt empty inside.
Because no one got attached. That used to be my dream. Then I found
you. Love is a strong force. People risk death. People risk pain.
People risk loss. Just for a piece of what you and I have. Just a
small taste of the wonders that brought you and I together once again. Including me.
I would like to submit my own poem.
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