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<bgsound src="thedance.mid"> Family and Friends of Suicide Victims


My Special Memories of Linda

There are a couple of things that stand out in my
mind when I think of Linda growing up.
When she was 2 yrs. old, we were vacationing in Montauk,
Long Island, New York. I was holding
Linda's hand as we walked down the steps into the
swimmng pool and she slipped pulling loose
from my grip. She went under and swallowed half
of the pool. I remember pulling her out by
her hair because it was floating up and she was
blue and unconcious. God was I scared. I didn't
know CPR so I just turned her upseide down and
held her by her feet and slapped her on the back
and she began to cough and spit out water. Boy
that was a close call. She was terrified of
water for a long time after that. By the time
she was 10 yrs. old she had become such a great
swimmer and diver that I was actually asked
once by someone watching her swim laps if she was
an olympic swimmer. Years later she went on
to swim with the dolphins that was one of the greatest joys of her life.
Another thing that amazed me about Linda was how
smart she was. When she was 16 yrs. old she
decided to go to N.Y.C. to get a job. She got
all dressed up, and looked at least 18 and took
trains and ferries to get to Wall Street. I
thought she was nuts, but there was no stopping
her. When she returned home that day, she
announced that she had gotten a job as a Word
Proccessor at a Japanese Bank on Wall Street. I
couldn't believe it, she had never even seen a
computer before and she lied and told them she
was experienced at it. She went to work and was
able to teach it to herself while she did the
job without them even knowing. She totally
amazed me. Within one year she was earning $700
per week working on Wall Street and was already
typing 140 words per minute on the computer.
Linda was a very bright and talented girl.

Linda's Mom


Whenever I think of memories of Tammy, it seems that
they always go back to her loving and caring
nature. Tammy had a great love for animals.
She was a volunteer for Yorkshire Terrier Rescue
Network. In doing this she fostered sometimes old,
sometimes ill, yorkies until they could be adopted.
Her love for animals didn't end there. I became
sort of a "foster mom" for some kittens, one of
which had been dropped to the ground by a hawk.
This poor kitten struggled to survive, but to no
avail. One evening I called Tammy to tell her that
this one kitten was not going to make it. Within
minutes, Tammy was at my house, and the desicion
was made to put the kitten to sleep. Without
hesitation Tammy and my two oldest daughters took
the kitten to the vet, while I kept our eight year
old daughters with me. Tammy brought the kitten
home to be burried in her backyard. That is only
one of many stories about Tammy's love and
kindness. No matter what the situation, Tammy was
always willing to help a friend or animal for that
matter who was in need. Tammy was more like a
sister than a friend to me. Rarely do we meet
someone in our lives that instantly becomes our
friend and soon becomes a part of our family,
however, Tammy was just that kind of person.

Love You My Friend, Beth