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Suicide Awareness and Prevention

'The Starfish'
As I walked along the seashore
this young boy greeted me
He was tossing stranded starfish
back to the deep blue sea.
I said "Tell me why you bother,
why you waste your time this way
There's a million stranded starfish,
does it matter, anyway?"
And he said "It matters to this one,
It deserves a chance to grow.
It matters to this one;
I can't save them all I know.
But it matters to this one,
I'll return it to the sea.
It matters to this one,
And it matters to me."
--Author Unknown

Sometime in our lives, we all have had to deal
with the loss of a loved one, be it a family
member or a friend. However loosing someone to
suicide is something which is so different from
the things in which we can't control. When someone
that you love makes the choice to end their life,
those left behind are left with many unanswered
questions. Then you have the people that say "oh,
suicide, that's the coward's way out." I say
they're WRONG! A person who chooses to take their
own life is feeling a pain deeper than anything
hopefully you and I will ever feel. What all of us
need to do is start listening and looking for
signs that someone you love may be thinking about
We must open our ears, our eyes, and our hearts,
and put a stop to suicide!

*Warning Signs of Suicide*
Feeling hopeless or helpless
Anger or hostility
Inability to feel pleasure
Isolation or withdrawal
Loss of appetite
Impulsive behavior
Thinking a lot about death
Thoughts, words, or actions that are "end centered"
Giving things away that are valued
Ending important relationships or commitments
Sudden uplift in mood after depression
Sudden change in behavior or disruptive behavior
Severe outbursts of temper
Drug use
Not going to work or school
Unable to carry out normal daily tasks in life

If you or someone you know has one or more of
these warning signs, please talk to someone, if
you don't know who to turn to, and feel like all
your hope is gone, pick up the phone and call one
of these numbers. GET HELP BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!

1-800-SUICIDE 1-800-784-2433
Toll-Free in the U.S. 24 hours / 7 days
National Crisis Line
The Help Line USA Toll-Free / 24 Hours
1-866-334-HELP 1-866-334-4357
TeenLine Hotline Help Center
4:00pm - 10:00pm
(714) NEW-TEEN (714) 639-8336
1-888-747-TEEN 1-888-747-8336

For Information and Resources
American Association of Suicidology
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
Child & Adolescent Bipolar Foundation
Depression & Related Affective Disorders Association
National Institute of Mental Health
Suicide Prevention Advocacy Network
Say The Word, Help prevent teen suicide
Suicide Prevention Center
1-888-333-2377 - American Association for Suicide Prevention
1-877-727-4747 - Suicide Prevention Center
"Every 18 minutes someone in the US dies by Suicide"
"Every 19 minutes someone is left behind to make sense of it"
Help for those left behind
1-310-751-5370 - Survivors After Suicide
Journey Through Suicide Grief
Journey Through Suicide Grief
c/o Canadian Mental Health
555 George Street
Prince George, BC
(250) 964-2207
Family and Friends of Suicide Victims
Road 2 Healing
1000 Deaths
Survivors of Suicide
Parents of Suicide
Surviving Suicide
Depression and Suicide
Suicide...Read this first
Sibling Survivors of Suicide

Other Survivors of Suicide Links
Suicide Information and Education Center (SIEC)
When No One Knows Your Pain
Questions And Answers About Depression

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