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<bgsound src="ec-tears.mid"> Angel Butterflies





I don't understand
Why you had to go away,
I wasn't done,
I had much more to say.

There were so many things
I wanted to share with you,
So many things,
Left for us to do.

I should've made you talk,
I should've seen through your tears,
I should've been there,
To comfort and calm your fears.

You were my strength,
But I feel I let you down,
Oh what I'd give,
To have you around.

But it's too late,
You're gone now, my friend,
But always know in your heart,
I loved you until the end.

Written by,
Beth Simmons


I can't erase the memories,
Of the day you died,
The crime scene tape,
And the way your daughter cried.

You chose to end your life,
You must have been in pain,
Now for all of us left behind,
Things will never be the same.

You were a great person,
My very best friend,
I only wish
That your life didn't have to end.

You were an angel here on earth,
You are an angel up above,
So when I cry these tears for you,
Wipe them away with your love.

Until the time comes,
For us to meet again,
Save a fluffy cloud,
For us to share in heaven.

Written by,
Beth Simmons

Letter To Mom

Mom, please don’t feel guilty
It was just my time to go.
I see you are still feeling sad,
And the tears just seem to flow.

We all come to earth for our lifetime,
And for some it’s not many years
I don’t want you to keep crying
You are shedding so many tears.

I haven’t really left you
Even though it may seem so.
I have just gone to my heavenly home,
And I’m closer to you than you know.

Just believe that when you say my name
I’m standing next to you,
I know you long to see me,
But there’s nothing I can do.

But I’ll still send you messages
And hope you understand,
That when your time comes to “cross over,”
I’ll be there to take your hand.

Wriiten by,
Joy Curnutt
Used with permission.
Copyright © by Joy Curnutt. All rights reserved.


I wanted to share
My thoughts with you,
But somehow
It wasn't easy to do.

You were always there for me,
But this time, you couldn't understand,
That this life I no longer wanted to live,
This time you could not hold my hand.

I made my choice,
You would've never agreed,
On this subject,
Eye to eye, we could not see,

I know that I left
You crying many tears,
Yes we've shared
Not near enough years.

But I want you to know
That I'm in a better place,
So wipe away those tears,
And put a smile upon your face.

When your time is up,
I'll meet you at "The Pearly Gates",
For eternal life in Heaven,
It is our final fate.

Written by,
Beth Simmons

Prayer For Survivors

Lord, I need your help to survive,
A part of me is gone, but I'm still alive.
Let me not be obsessed with "if onlys and whys",
Only you know the reason that somebody dies.
I must take time to weep and smile when I can
And try not to be concerned with the judgements of man.

Can I learn how to numb the everyday pain,
So that the hollow inside of me will not remain?
Can I substitute goals for my feelings of guilt,
And not be ashamed of the life I have built...
Make me believe that the sadness will pass,
That joy will return to my being at last.

Finally, show me the way to reach others like me,
Then I'll know my survival was destined to be.

Miss Me, But Let Me Go

When I come to the end of the road
And the sun has set for me
I want no rites in a gloom-filled room.
Why cry for a soul set free?
Miss me a little--but not too long
And not with your head bowed low.
Remember the love that we once shared,
Miss me--but let me go.
For this is a journey that we all must take
And each must go alone.
It's all a part of the Master's plan,
A step on the road to home.
When you are lonely and sick of heart
Go to the friends we know
And bury your sorrows in doing good deeds.
Miss Me--But Let me Go!

~~The Invisible Cord ~~
We are connected, my Siblings and I.
By an invisible cord, not seen by the eye.

It's not like the cord that connects us at birth
This cord can't be seen by any on earth.

This cord does its work right from the start
It binds us together attached at the heart.

I know that it's there, though no one can see
The invisible cord from my brother and sister to me.

The strength of this cord is hard to describe
It can't be destroyed, it can't be denied.

It's stronger that any cord man could create
It Withstands any test, can hold any weight.

And though you are gone, and not here with me
The cord is still there, though no one can see.

It pulls at my heart, I am bruised, I am sore.
But this cord is my lifeline like never before.

I am thankful that God connects us this way.
Brother and Sister, death cannot take away.

© Oct. 10, 2001
With Love From Terri

~A Sibling's Love~

If I could turn back the hands of time,
I'd relive our childhood years.
The days when we shared a home,
a time when you both were always near.

A siblings love is so very different,
the safety of knowing your not alone.
The sibling jokes, the rivalry, the fights,
the "get away and leave me alone's"

If I could turn back the hands of time,
and know what I know now.
I'd tell you that I love you and,
hold you close and never let go.

Time goes by and we grow up,
we go our separate ways.
But, the love we share will always be there,
the memories are here forever to stay.

The fights over toys,
The nights we got scared,
and climbed into each others beds.

The rainy days we spent inside,
the Christmas mornings.
The school yard fights,
The girlfriends and boyfriends I didn't like.

I hope you know I never left you,
my precious brother and sister ... not for a moment
were you alone.

A siblings love is so very different,
the closeness is always there.
The person you grew up with,
the One you knew always cared.

You take for granted this kinder love,
the security that you have.
You are never ready to say good-bye,
you want them to always be there.

I miss you my ~Angels ~
and nothing is the same.
The days seem never ending,
I wish this pain would go away.

I don't know if I just can't see it,
because I'm so blinded by this Grief.
Or is it just denial and I think,
you'll come back to me someday.

I never expected to so good-bye,
so early in our lives.
We had so much to talk about,
so much to share ... it just doesn't seem fair.

I love you my ~ angels ~
I love you with all my being.
I miss you ~Johnny ~ and ~ Stephanie ~
I miss you more than anyone can see.

Your voices ring in my ears,
your images drift into my dreams.
Don't let this be good-bye my ~angels ~
Don't leave me all alone.

I Love You ~Johnny ~ and ~ Stephanie ~
and remember you'll never be alone.

© March 22, 2003
With Love From Terri