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<bgsound src="angelsinheaven.wav"> In Loving Memory

Tammy Wall
May 7, 1974 ~ May 16, 2002
Forever Loved ~ Forever Missed

Linda ~ My beautiful Butterfly Free At Last But Forever
In My Heart

Linda, beloved Mother of Tricia

Linda and Daughter Nicole

Linda and her beloved Husband Wayne


At the rising of the sun and at its going down
We will remember you.
At the blowing of the wind and the chill of winter
We will remember you.
At the opening of the buds and in the rebirth of spring
We will remember you.
At the blueness of the skies and in the warmth of summer
We will remember you.
At the rustling of the leaves and in the beauty of autumn
We will remember you.
At the beginning of the year and when it ends
We will remember you.
As long as we live, you too will live; for you are now
a part of us, as we remember you.
When we are weary and in need of strength
We will remember you.
When we are lost and sick at heart
We will remember you.
When we have joy we crave to share
We will remember you.
When we have decisions that are difficult to make
We will remember you.
When we have achievements that are based on yours
We will remember you.
As long as we live, you too will live; for you are
now a part of us, as
We remember you.

With all our Love,
Mom, Dad and Ken

We thought of you with love today, but that is nothing new
We thought of you yesterday an days before that too
We think of you in silence, we often speak your name
But all we have are memories and your picture in a frame
Your memory is a keepsake of which we'll never part
God has you in his keeping, we have you in our heart.

Forever In Our Hearts

Nicole Jannella "Patterson" Smith
May 26, 1982 ~ May 30, 1999
Nicole was a very caring child who loved everyone and
never had an enemy...

My Beautiful, Handsome Brother John Anthony "Johnny"
Left us on February 12, 2001.
God, I so wish he could have stayed here with us and
also be Relieved of his awful pain. Knowing he
is at peace now is the only comfort I have.
When I see him someday, when my time comes......after
a long embrace.....only then will
I have those answers that I'm looking for.
But for now, me and my sister,our parents, his
wife, his kids, and everyone who loved him are
left to try to live without him.

I love you Johnny
Your Sister Forever Terri

Durese (Reesey) Nelson
November 23, 1961 ~ February 24, 2002
Beloved Niece, Dearest Friend,
Sister of the Heart..........My Sweet Moody Girl
Your Aunt Doo - Karla Henderson

In Memory of You
I find an old photograph
and see your smile.
As I feel your presence anew,
I am filled with warmth
and my heart remembers love.
I read an old card
sent many years ago
during a time of turmoil and confusion.
The soothing words written then
still caress my spirit
and bring me peace.
I remember who you used to be
the laughter we shared
and wonder what you have become.
Where are you now,
Where did you go,
When the body is left behind
and the spirit is released to fly?
Perhaps you are the morning bird
singing joyfully at sunrise,
or the butterfly that dances
so carelessly on the breeze
or the rainbow of colors
that brightens a stormy sky
or the fingers of afternoon mist
delicately reaching over the mountains
or the final few rays of the setting sun
lighting up the skies
edging the clouds with a magical glow.
I miss your being
but I feel your presence,
In whatever form you choose to take,
however you now choose to be.
Your spirit has become for me
a guardian angel on high
guiding, advising, and watching over me.
I remember you.
You are with me
and I am not afraid.

© 1996 Kirsti A. Dyer, MD

"All my love forever, your mommyyyyyyy."
