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If I had my way and could decide our fate,
We would learn only to love and never to hate.

Friendly smiles would rule the day,
And children could safely go outside to play.

We would become good friends with those we meet;
There would be no need to compete.

Bigotry and hypocrisy would disappear,
And we could sleep at night without cause for fear.

We could leave doors open wide;
Without concern for possessions we kept inside.

There would be no violence or even petty crime;
No poverty or hunger...anywhere ...... anytime.

Nowhere on earth would there be conflict or war.
Serenity and peace would rule....evermore.
If we would start each day with the thought in mind,
To be honest, decent, friendly and kind,

The world would become a better place,
If just those few tenets we would all embrace.

We can make it's not too late;
We can change the world and determine our fate.

By Vance Oliphant - Copyright 2000

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