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[Gods Hands]

My People

I've watched you suffer, your hearts filled in despair.
I've seen the buildings crashing down, I was there.

These things that have befallen you will not go unnoticed.
For a time will come, My judgment for those who done this.

I hear all your prayers, and I see all the tears that you cry.
My people remember, I'm coming back in the blink of an eye.

I am your comforter, I am your guide.
Look to Me, I'm by your side.

I'll help you up and steady your feet.
In Me, your significance is complete.

You see, My people hold your head up high,
Raise those American Flags up in the sky,

Light those candles united we stand,
For soon I'm coming to give the commands.

Written By: Copyright © Karen A. Kotze
September 16, 2001

{USA Flag]
{USA Ribbon]

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