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" A Time of Amazing Grace"

Lord God my heart never ceases
to be amazed by all You do
In the midst of every trial Lord
Your grace and love show through

As darkness and enemies surround
us Lord and attempt to pierce our soul
You Lord bring a song to our hearts
and remind us in You we are whole

Lord Your grace is amazing
and You hold us so very close
You know what we need when
we absolutely need You the most

You shine Your light and bring
peace in the midst of the storms
Sweet Jesus we call on Your
name as our country mourns.

Lord God our country has been
attacked and yet we stand strong
As a people united in love and
compassion we break out in song

We sing God Bless America
and the words to Amazing Grace
We are falling to our knees
Lord now and seeking Your face

For there is no hope without You
in this world as evil attempts to defeat
So we come to You humbly
Lord to Your Spirit we now take heed

Heal our land Lord, heal the
hearts that are so broken and in pain
Pour out Your grace Lord on America
that we might stand strong again.

Lord we pray for the President
for all our leaders in this country too
That they will be filled with wisdom
and knowledge and look to You

Lord we pray for those hurting,
for the helpers and rescuers too
We pray for Your strength and
Your comfort in all that they do.

You alone are Lord God; 
You alone are our strength and shield
So we cry out to You Lord
and to you our hearts we do yield

We thank You for your faithfulness
and for Your love so strong
We thank You Lord that we
will see You heal all that is wrong.

Jesus we love you, we declare
Your authority in our country today
Over all the destructive works
of the evil one and all his ways

For on the cross Your blood
was shed and power was given to You
And through Your name this
country will accomplish all it must do.

Pat Couchman

Please visit Pat's site HERE !!!

Used With Permission.
My Heartfelt Thanks to Pat !!!



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