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When I was in my younger days, 
I weighed a few pounds less, 
I needn't hold my tummy in 
to wear a belted dress. 

But now that I am older, 
I've set my body free; 
There's comfort of elastic 
Where once my waist would be. 

Inventor of those high-heeled shoes 
My feet have not forgiven; 
I have to wear a nine now, 
But used to wear a seven. 

And how about those pantyhose-- 
They're sized by weight, you see, 
So how come when I put them on, 
The crotch is at my knees? 

I need to wear these glasses 
As the prints were getting smaller; 
And it wasn't very long ago 
I know that I was taller. 

Though my hair has turned to silver 
and my skin no longer fits, 
On the inside, I'm the same old me, 
Just the outside's changed a bit ....:) 




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Float script from 


The midi playing is I Wanna Be Loved By You (Boop Boop A Doo :-)