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 Eagle When She Flies 

She's been there, 
God knows, she's been there
She has seen and done it all 
She's a woman, she knows how to 
Dish it out or take it all 
Her heart's as soft as feathers
Still she weathers stormy skies
And she's a sparrow when she's broken
But she's an eagle when she flies 

A kaleidoscope of colors 
You can toss her around and round
You can keep her in your vision 
But you'll never keep her down 
She's a lover, she's a mother 
She's a friend and she's a wife 
And she's a sparrow when she's broken 
But she's an eagle when she flies 

Gentle as the sweet magnolia 
Strong as steel, her faith and pride 
She's an everlasting shoulder 
She's the leaning post of life 
She hurts deep and when she weeps 
She's just as fragile as a child 
And she's a sparrow when she's broken 
But she's an eagle when she flies 

She's a sparrow when she's broken 
But she's an eagle when she flies 
Oh, bless her, Lord 
She's an eagle when she flies 

Written and sung by Dolly Parton


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The above artwork is a courtsey by a friend.
Check out his exquisite website HERE

<BGSOUND SRC="eaglewhenshefliesdp.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>

~Dedicated to my Mother~

~ Made with Love ~