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Where does Mom keep her memories? 
In a box worn beyond repair,
Tucked inside are memories,
Ask and she will gladly share.
Where does Mom keep her memories?
In a box this precious cargo rest
Reminiscent of days long past.
This box of love is her treasure chest.

Mom, no words or gifts can express all my love for you. 
Within my life, you have given me so much. 
I only wish I could give you all the things 
that you have given me.

You helped me when I thought there was no hope. 
Through your love you showed me a world 
I thought only dreams were made of. 
I admire you & the confidence you show; 
no matter how bad things get, 
you always manage to pull through.

You've been a good teacher for me to learn from and follow. 
You stand back & let me make the mistakes I need 
in order to grow. 
You show me different sides to every situation, 
letting me come to my own conclusions. 
I'm able to talk to you about anything, 
without fear of being misunderstood. 
You're always willing to give me another chance 
and encourage me even when I fail.

Nothing can ever take the place you hold in my heart; 
I love you as my mother, 
I love you as my best friend.

Author Unknown to me ...

If anybody knows the author of this beautiful poem, 
please send me an email ...
so that I may express my heartfelt thanks and
'give credit where credit is due' 

or sadly remove ... :(






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