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Unkonventional and kewl,
Was our lady Kate,
She did not live by man-made rules,
Thought they'd been made to break.

Born at midnight on a leap year,
An enigma from the start,
Asked her age on legal forms,
Kate put down a question mark.

Most babies in the nursery,
Had layettes of pink or blue,
But for a kewt kid like our Kate,
Just loud plaids would do.

As a child, she played with dolls,
Which often made her fret,
'Til she discovered boy dolls,
That were anatomically correct.

A tree-climbing and toad-hunting girl,
Our little Kate was odd,
Yet loved so by her Mother,
As a precious gift from God.

Some of her girl friends were in shock,
When Katie got tattooed,
And Katie loved their shock so much,
She got herself another two.

At her wedding, Kate wore red,
Significant of what?
Who knew?  Well ... Katie did,
And that was quite enough.

Who could tame the Kate,?
Stronger than most men,
When she and her mate split-up,
Their love grew stronger then.

Not meant to make one happy,
Kate belonged to all,
She marched to a different beat,
And answered to a different call.

Enthusiastic, passionate,
Unselfish to the bone,
A wicked deliciousness,
A mind set of her own.

God only made a few like Kate,
Earth could not handle more,
And the lives of those she's touched,
Have been changed forevermore.

Is she a racy, shady lady?
A free spirit on the wing?
Sent by God to cheer a world,
And help sad hearts to sing?

I think that's what God had in mind,
When He sent Kate this way,
Kewl and Kewt, she just flew in,
We must not let her fly away.

From Janie and Ginny



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