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The Music of My Life

I hear the melodies, music of my lifetime 
And how they began so long ago.
Radio crackling and glowing in the dark,
Background music playing at the picture show.

Dancing in high school, spinning the records,
And treasuring every song that I had sung,
Now when I hear them, my heart returns again,
And I'm back to the time when I was young.

And later music helped me through loss and agony,
Through illness, and times of painful strife;
Music has soothed me, music filled my soul:
Music marked the moments in my life.

Time moved in measures so elegant and simple,
And I didn't even understand
My life had a rhythm with music playing there
Like a song directed by an unseen hand.

Now suddenly I realize that I am writing, too,
A symphony of memory and time,
So quietly composing the melody and words
To play a new creation that is mine.

And now I make the music. This music that is mine
May reach through the years still to ring.
Someday a spirit may listen once again,
May hear the words my heart will surely sing:

I've played my song, I leave it for those who want to hear
The melodies that made my life's refrain;
My life wrote the music, my spirit will remain.
Listen and rejoice, I live again.

Verse by Dorothy Acton

My Heartfelt Thanks to Dorothy !!!

Please visit her site Here!




The painting of the lady is from a painting by Louis Iscart
and is provided courtesy of Stamati Gallery


This great java cursor script is an original by Kurt.