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Katie Scarlett O'Hara Hamilton Kennedy Butler - 
The feisty eldest child of Gerald and Ellen O'Hara, 
her given name was Katie Scarlett. 
She had a pointed chin and a square jaw, 
with pale green eyes tilted slightly at the ends, surrounded by thick lashes. 
Her skin was "magnolia white" 
and she had an extremely small seventeen inch waistline! 
(The smallest in three counties!) 
She was a wonderful flirt and if she decided she wanted something, 
she did whatever it took to get it! 
Her greatest dream was to be just like her mother, 
the greatest lady in the world, 
in Scarlett's opinion. 
The only problem was she was afraid she would miss the joys of life
 and many beaux by being just, truthful, tender, and unselfish. 
She married a total of three men: 

     Charles Hamilton, out of spite 
     Frank Kennedy, out of desperation 
     Rhett Butler, out of wild abandon 


Rhett Butler - 
Rhett is first introduced at the Wilkes' Barbque. 
He was about twenty years older than Scarlett
making him around 35, tall, powerfully built, 
with wide shoulders and heavy  muscles. 
He had very white teeth and a close-clipped black moustache. 
He was dark and swarthy as a pirate, with bold, black eyes. 
He had a think hawk nose over full red lips, a high forehead, and wide-set eyes. 
He had a bad reputation because he took a Charleston girl buggy-riding 
and they stayed out nearly all night and walked home, 
saying the horse had run away and smashed the buggy 
and they had gotten lost in the woods.
 He had refused to marry her 
and the girl's brother called him out for a duel and Rhett won, 
and he had to leave Charleston and nobody received him. 
He noticed Scarlett at the Barbque 
and witnessed her desperate plea for Ashley to run away with her. 
He became a daring blockade runner for the Confederacy 
and later enlisted in the Confederate army. 
He pursued her for years, 
having to wait until her second husband was killed before he could marry her. 
He was rich, dashing, and dangerous. 
He and Scarlett had a daughter together, Bonnie Blue. 
Bonnie was killed when her pony jumped a fence and she fell, breaking her neck.
 He almost lost his mind, and ended up leaving Scarlett. 


Great Quotes

Rhett: No, I'm not gong to kiss you, although you need it. 
You need kissing and often and by someone who knows how. 

Scarlett: War! War! War! 
If I hear one more word about war I'll run in the house and slam the door! 

Prissy: Miss Scarlett, I don't know nothing about birthing no babies! 

Rhett: A cat's a better mother than you. 

Scarlett O'Hara: I can shoot straight, if I don't have to shoot too far. 

Rhett Butler: What a woman. 

Rhett: Marrriage is fun. 
Scarlettt: Marriage? Fun? Fun for men you mean. 

Scarlett O'Hara: Rhett... If you go ... where shall I go? What shall I do? 
Rhett Butler: Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn. 

Scarlett O'Hara: Sir, you are no gentleman. 
Rhett Butler: And you, Miss, are no lady! 

Scarlett O'Hara: 
As God is my witness, I will never be hungry again!

Scarlett O'Hara:  "Fiddle dee dee"

"I won't think about it now, 
I'll think about it tomorrow, when I can stand it"

"After all ... tomorrow's another day"

How to Catch A Man ...
Scarlett O'Hara Style !!! 

Magnolia white skin- prized by southerners- 
shielded from the sun by shawls, bonnets, and lacy parasols! 

Acting like she didn't eat any more than a bird! 

Walking when she wanted to run! 

Saying she felt faint after a waltz 
when she could dance for two days and never get tired! 

Saying "How wonderful you are!" to even fool men! 

Pretending she didn't know anything 
so men could tell her things and feel important! 

Acting silly to catch a man! 

Pretending to faint, acting empty-headed, and coquetish! 

She dropped her eyes downward and nibbled daintily! 

She laughed and  made her earings dance! 

She tossed her head at their compliments 
and swore she didn't believe anything they said! 

She managed to turn the conversation to herself, 
without men ever realizing it! 

She smoothed men's vanities while keeping them on a string! 

She knew how to smile so that her dimples leaped! 

She walked pigeon-toed so that her hoops swayed! 

She knew how to look up into a man's face 
and then drop her eyes and bat the lids rapidly 
so that she seemed a-tremble with emotion! 

She learned to conceal her intelligence 
beneath a face as sweet and bland as a baby's! 

She never interupted gentlemen when they were speaking, 
even  if she thought she knew more about matters than they did!

She curbed her temper and appeared sweet-natured! 

She made a man feel like the smartest 
and most special person in the whole world !!!






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