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Love created in Silence
on the 7th day of heaven
A day no thought was thought
only an emotion inspired
created and given

a raging silence without a form
a joyous feeling sent
drenched in the Creators warmth
delivered to the universe
unto this Earth it went

the spark of His Love 
conceived and born

Entrusted to the Angels on High
into the realms to seed 
dressed in romances 
rainbow of many moods
a mighty powerful deed

On the Seventh Day of Heaven
Given this angelic blessing to behold
to guide and treasure with their purity of heart
prayerfully this story did unfold 

Silent jewel this precious vibration
human love and its destination
now a challenge to the Heralds
Deep in Servitude,
Legions of His Angels awestruck did stand
His wish , His command

on the 7th day of heaven
when Creation rested from thought
the Greatest gift of love was given

Misery knows Loves name
sadness and shame
tears and laughter, 
passion and jealousy,
human traits they be

an endless sea 
of restless souls

Only Angels could take this task
and for the Creator
they would not hestitate 
to ask why
to be the Ones
His Will be Done

Now their duty to be
Guardian and Protectors
Placed among the human world
as we live our lives
with Love growing 
and aching inside

an Angels destiny
Sent with a prayer 
bonded together
for you and for me

This mystical power 
only heaven would set free
and share with the Angels of the realms
On the 7th day when Heaven rested

On the 7th day 
a sound of clear bells rang loud
only heard in the heavens
hidden in the clouds
Echoed in the universe
set with in a tear, 
on the 7th day
Love did appear

Silent and untouchable
unconditionally given
to every human heart and spirit
a force so deep so driven

On the 7th day in heaven
Love was placed
within our hearts
as the Angels rested
but only they heard the heavens resound
When the Creator whispered softly ...
Love love love love love love

bestowed and taken the angels on high
as they captured in their hearts of light
these precious words
placed a new sky

a rainbow was born
a halo wrapped around the earth
as they joined in prayer
as HIS WORDS became clear
it was their time , it was their task
to be the heralds of peace at last

The sacrifice was given,
the work must now be done
a new battle to be won
this 7th day in Heaven

mutitudes of angels became as One
vowing to their Father
entrusted to this mighty goal
His gift of love must be born again !
in every human heart
and soul....

© Sandra Karusky 9-26-2001

(This beautiful poem is used with permission)

My Heartfelt Thanks to Sandra !!!





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Greg Olsen Art
Star*Shine 2001




This incredible image is called

"Heavenly Hands to Guide and Protect" 

Created by Greg Olsen 
and used with permission.