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Mainly Poems and Stories
I have collected from friends and various places.
To my knowledge they are all public domain unless
I have otherwise noted and received permission to use.
But if you should see something here,
Please do let me know ...
I will gladly give
~credit where credit is due~
or sadly remove !!!

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Friendship Poems Stories Inspiration


~If I Were A Wizard~

~A Veteran Died Today~

~God Bless The USA~

~Wasted Time~

~America... My Home My Love~

~Soar With Your Dreams~

~Take My Hand~

~I Hope You Dance~

~ Puter Pals ~

~ Candle In The Dark ~

~ Monday Morning ~

~ Senior Citizens ~

~ Who I Am ~

~How To Stay Young~

~ An American ~

~A Student's Prayer~

~Don't Dance On Our Graves~

~ In Memory... ~

~ Children Of War ~

~An Eagle When She Flies~

~ Grumblers ~

~ I Wish ~

~ Can't Take My Jesus ~

~ Somebody said ~

~ Deeper Than Words ~

~ A Father's Love ~

~ Life Is A Theater ~

~ One Year Ago Today ~

~ Tribute to Elvis ~

~ We Will Not Forget ~9-11-01 ~

~Towers of Angels~

~In Loving Memory of Mary~

~American Trilogy~

~Crying In The Chapel~

~The Special Sauce~

~ Secret ~

God Bless!



WOW Barbara !!!
A Beautiful  Award ...
I am deeply honored ...
And I am touched ...
brought a tear to my eye 
and a lump in my throat!

My Heartfelt Thanks !!!
Please visit Barbara's beautiful site ...
You won't be sorry!


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~ Made with Love ~