Each of us, at least once in our lives,
hears the inner call.
Some call it the true woman within, which
seeks to be heard,
to return her tamed daughters to their natural,
intuitive state,
to break the chains that hold her so that
she may run free.
Others call it discovering the strength within
each woman.
It is bringing into consciousness a depth
of spirit and intuition
only hinted at before.
When the call is answered,
we embark on an exciting path
to transform the soul into an elegant spirit.
Each woman's path to individuation is different,
yet each strives for the same destination;
the place where we are at peace with who
we are
and comfortable with our place in the world.
Once we set foot upon the path of spirital
there is no turning back.
He takes our hand and We are led ever onward,
and the information we each need to grow
and to heal physically,
mentally, emotionally, and physically is
laid before us,
often when we least expect it.