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Children Of War 

We sat side by side on that bright sunny day
Not saying a word or even at play
She looked so much different from my other friends
Her dark eyes were haunting, her clothes not the trend

In a moment I realized where she was from
I thought should I hate her and get up and run?
But those dark peircing eyes made me take time to think 
If I was thirsty for water would she give me a drink?

I thought of my Dad, over there in that war
A hot dusty desert where there's no hope and they're poor
Now here in my country she sat next to me
She needed a friend that was so plain to see

On the ground right next to me was a flower so bright
I wanted her to know we didn't have to fight
You see we're just children, we don't understand
Why grown-ups are fighting all over their lands

So I offered the flower, she took it from me
Her smile was slight but her eyes had that plea
She jestured a thank you and I noticed the tears
I thought, we are just children why should we fear?

If great men of war could see through our eyes
They wouldn't see colour, fighting or lies
They could offer a flower to their enimies instead
Our families could come home and sleep in their beds

Not out in some desert where lives come to an end
But right here at home just living as friends
I know what your thinking, we are just kids
Althought this is true we have plenty to give 

We look at each other in our innocent ways
Just wanting to share what we have of our days
So look through our eyes you could learn very much
Mabye all it would take is a flower and a touch.

By Marilynlee

© 2002 Marilynlee 
(All rights reserved)

©used with permission

My Heartfelt Thanks to Marilyn !!!



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<BGSOUND SRC="eyesofachild.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>


~Made with Love~