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Deeper Than Words 

When you're weary and so bone tired 
you don't even know what to pray, 
your Spirit speaks on your behalf, 
much deeper than words can say. 

It releases an innermost groaning, 
from your soul to God's own ear, 
and though you never utter a word, 
your prayer is delivered quite clear. 

God doesn't need to hear your words 
when you can't find the right ones to say. 
Your Spirit sighs, replete with meaning, 
much deeper than words can convey. 

© 2002 Terri McPherson 
Windsor, Ontario, Canada 

"Words From A Simple Heart" 

"The Spirit helps us in our weakness: 
for we do not know how to pray as 
we ought, but that very Spirit intercedes 
with sighs too deep for words." 
Romans 8:26 KJV 

My Heartfelt Thanks to Terri 
for granting me permission 
to use her beautiful poem !!! 



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Thank You Very Much and God Bless! 

~Made with Love~ 

Change My Heart Oh God 
For entertainment purposes only 
please go to your local cd store for purchase.

<BGSOUND SRC="changemyheartohgod.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>