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Don't Dance On Our Graves 

This place in New York city, 
where the World Trade Centers stood
Has become our final resting place, 
we never thought it would
We left our homes with confidence, 
and off to work we went
Not knowing the horrible evil, 
the terrorists would vent.

No-one saw it coming, 
that living flying bomb
We settled down to do our work, 
our day had just begun
When suddenly out of no-where 
blackness invaded the sun
We could smell the burning airplane fuel 
and hear the roaring flames
We lost our lives that very day
and no-one knew our names
The evil did not just take us, 
it took many others to
The New York city's finest police and fire crew.

And many other people who gave thier lives that day
The families who indured the pain, and to their Gods do pray
The world and that great city came together in thier pain
Evil that over took that day should never come again.

Would you want someone upon your grave, 
just think, 
does that sound right?
Another building standing tall to block out all our light
So please don't put a building here, 
where our ashes and memories are.
From all of us who gave our lives 
from near and from afar.

Our only hope and prayer for you, 
is that evil won't prevail
That all the world could live in peace, 
for life is very frail
Walk by this place with your heads held high, 
know this is where we sleep.
And those of us who died right here, 
our love for you we keep.

Written by,
Marilyn lee

Email Marilynlee

© 2002 Marilynlee 
(All rights reserved)

My Heartfelt Thanks to Marilyn
for granting me permission
to use her beautiful poem!


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