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I watched the flag pass by one day - 
It fluttered in the breeze 
A young marine saluted it - 
And then he stood at ease 

I looked at him in uniform - 
So young, so tall, so proud 
With hair cut square and eyes alert - 
He'd stand out in any crowd 

I wondered how many men like him - 
Have fallen through the years 
How many died on foreign soil - 
How many Mothers' tears 

How many pilot's planes shot down - 
How many died at sea 
How many foxholes were soldiers' graves - 
No, Freedom is not Free. 

I heard the sound of taps one night - 
When everything was still 
I listened to the bugler play - 
And felt a sudden chill

I wondered just how many times - 
Taps had meant "Amen" 
When a flag had covered a coffin - 
Of a brother or a friend 

I thought of all the children - 
Of the Mothers and the Wives 
Of Fathers, Sons, and Husbands - 
With interrupted lives

And I thought about the graveyard - 
At the bottom of the sea
Of unmarked graves in Arlington - 
No, Freedom is not Free."

Poem written in 1981 by 
AFJROTC Cadet Kelly Strong 
of Homestead High School, Florida.

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