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In the not too distant past--
I remember very well--
Grandmas tended to their knitting
And their cookies were just swell. 

They were
always at the
When you needed
some advice

And their sewing 
(I can tell you)
Was available--and nice.

Granny scans the web for artwork
To combine with cool sounds.
And to make her special greetings
She downloads graphics by the pounds.

But Grandma's not deserted you,
She dearly loves you still
She thinks about you daily
And you know she always will! 

You haven't been forgotten:
She keeps your photos handy 

(Right there on her web site)
where she thinks they look just dandy 

She's right there when you need her
Any time of day or night 

When you cyber send your message
It makes her eyes shine bright!

   She reformats her own hard drive
 And speaks in RAMs and bytes

And long, long after sundown
She's still working on her sites

Yes, her world's a very different place,
There is no doubt of that 

She even gave up wearing
Her old favorite purple hat! 

She's joined the electronic age
And it really seems to suit her,
So don't expect the same old gal,
'cause Grandma's gone "Computer"! 









~ Made with Love ~