Will you take this woman, to be your wedded wife?
To be one flesh in Christ, as you walk through this life?
Will you take this man, to be your wedded husband?
A covenant in the eyes of God, for all your life to spend.
Vows made to each other, the purity of love to share,
To be filled with precious memories, and tender loving care.
Some days may be like sunshine, as merriment fills our hearts,
Some days a little gloomy, by the trials that life imparts.
Let's step out on this path, and walk it hand in hand,
When you are weak, I promise, I will help you stand.
We'll laugh, we'll cry, we'll pray, under our Father's watchful eye,
Placing everything into His hands, for He is our Supply.
Our future holds the treasures, that God has always stored,
To fulfill our lives in Him, as we're trusting in the Lord.
With all my heart, I want to be, your partner in this life...
To rejoice in blessed marriage, as a husband and a wife.
Through each and every day, our Master holds the key,
To unlock this door of wonder, so come grow old with me.
We'll journey through this life, not as two, but one,
United by the heart of Love, of the Father and the Son.
Author: Julie Carro
My most humble appreciation to Julie Carro
for the use of her inspiring poem.
If you have enjoyed this poem,
please contact Julie Carro
and say, "Thank you for sharing"
or visit her site Hope In Him.
Poem may be used with written permission.
