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My Puter Pals

Get outta my way I'm in a hurry
I need my puter fix
I've friends online that're waiting
They're sending me their pix!

Now there's Evelyn and Cheryl in Missouri
And Ginny is way out west
She's sending me some poems to read
Just to test ....:)

Betty, Cathy and Jane 
send lots of greetings from their house
They keep their hands real busy
Working with that mouse ....:)

I've got the tea going
My cup is steaming hot
This puter is so slow today
Jeanne, please hand me that tea pot! 

Spot get off the puter!
An email I must send
Virginia needs an answer
She's such a special friend!

Now our very special Katie from 'Downunder'
Made me giggle with her joke
A little on the steamy side
It made my puter smoke!

Rosie and Karen got me started
And taught me much I know
They just forgot to tell me
Why puters get so slow! 

And then there's Barb and Samantha 
Two very special ladies who are very smart
With their fingers on the keyboard
And lots of love within their heart!

There's a cyber 'sooster' I have 
Patt is her name
Since I met this crazy nut
I'll never ever be the same!

And how could I forget 
Laurie, Lea, Linda, Patti, and Susan ???
And Folks, there's more !!!
Ann, Kathy, Tarra, 
Schellie, Sue and Suzanne !!!

In my mind there are no faces
For each and everyone of these gals
But bless them all
 I love them
They are my Puter Pals!

What did I do before I had
This puter in my life
I guess I can't remember then
I think I was a wife?

(Original written by Charlotte Anselmo)
Revised by Me!

Thanks Charlotte !!!
Please visit her wonderful site
by clicking on her name!



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