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Ginny Ellis

There's a lady that I got to know on this internet
Her name is Ginny Ellis and she's quiet the poetess
She has a way with words that leaves others way behind
She's lovable, adorable, kinda kewt and very kind 


So many times she puts her pen to paper and has written
A poem about a lady red, a bloke, a heart, a kitten
No category passes Ginny by, she faces them all with glee
Wondering what she can rhyme today, a ball, a car, a bee


This lady fills so many hearts with love and wondrous joy
Doesn't matter too much either if you're a girl, a man or boy
Each time you read what Ginny writes you always have to smile
Or cry, or laugh at least forget your troubles for a while


Her thoughts are always running wild looking for things to write
Sometimes she writes all day long and often late into the night
No subject can escape her, no words can ever feel free
While Ginny keeps writing her poems, 
I'm as happy as can be.

Kate Tanks 2002


Ginny and Kate

Two very special wonderful ladies
that I have been blessed to meet on this internet! 

~ Made with Lots of Love and Hugs ~

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