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One Year Ago Today

Our country will forever mourn 
that tragic day, when grief was born. 
So many lives were lost that day, 
our nation cried... and knelt to pray. 

The burning sky, when buildings fell, 
the day so many said, "Farewell". 
Still, we wonder and we ask, "Why?". 
Why did so many have to die? 

May God have mercy, as we recall 
September days that hurt us all. 
Hard times many will be facing, 
with heavy hearts that are racing. 

We won't forget horrific sights 
brought on by those September flights. 
Many gave lives to help others ~ 
leaving wives, children, and brothers. 

In the "Land of the Free and Brave" 
Where Millions see our flag still wave, 
this day of aching hearts and fears 
will be remembered many years. 

For those who's hearts are still bleeding, 
I pray for peace you are needing. 
I'll kneel with you, and we can pray 
about "one year ago, today". 


Ruth Ann Mahaffey & Glen Pysell 

©Copyright August, 2002

Ruth Ann's Moments of Memories

Echoes of The Dreamer's Heart

Please visit these beautiful sites.
You won't be sorry!

My Heartfelt Thanks 
to Ruth Ann and Glen !!!



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~Made with Love~

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