Once again, I recomend you read her books in there entirety,
the ones I most freaquently reccomend are Teen Witch,
To Ride A Silver Broomstick, To Stir A Magick Cauldron and To Light A Sacred
for more information on her books please visit www.silverravenwolf.com
Casting A Magick Circle
(A Simple Spell)
Go to the center of your area take a deep breath and relax.
Go to the north and pointing your althame to the appropriate corner and speak
this chant:
I conjure thee, O circle of power, by calling on upon the guardians
of the (north, south, east, west,)
to join me in this ritual, in this place of perfect love and perfect trust.
When you get back to the north, bring your althame up to your
lips and back down, say,
“as above and so below, the circle is sealed.”
Closing A Magick Circle
Walk counterclockwise, starting with the west, moving south,
east, north.
Salute with your althame again saying:
The circle is open but never broken, so mote it be.
We are the power, we are the change!
Merry meet and merry part until we meet again.
Element Magick
Gnomes ~ Earth
Sylphs ~ Air
Salamanders ~ Fire
Undines ~ Water
Earth ~ money, prosperity, fertility, healing, employment
Air ~ mental powers, visions, wisdom
Fire ~ Lust, courage, strength, protection, health, healing
Water ~ Sleep, meditation, love, healing.
Wolf moon ~ January
Storm moon ~ February
Chaste moon ~ March
Seed moon ~ April
Hare moon ~ May
Dyad (pair) moon ~ June
Mead moon ~ July
Wyrt (green plant) moon ~ August
Barley moon ~ September
Blood moon ~ October
Snow moon ~ November
Oak moon ~ December
Blue moon ~ Variable
From “To Stir A Magick Cauldron” by Silver Ravenwolf
Call the watchtowers after you have cast your circle. Think
of them as a square around your circle.
Call the watchtowers by their guardians, they can be seen as angels, fairy kings,
ect. To some witches,
they are called the shining ones, to others, the lords of karma, they can also
be called by the names of four Christian angels.
Direction | Farie King | Cloak Color | Rule |
East | Paralda | Red | Winds, sents of flowers, mountains |
South | Djin | White | fire, volcanoes, passions, feilds |
West | Nixa | Grey | Lakes, ponds, rivers and oceans |
North | Ghob | Black | Earth, gems, trees and minerals |
Gabriel |