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Misery Inc.

Acid Trip

Monkey brains run up my wall
Suddenly you’re not so tall
Feeling small—no one at all
Help me god—I’m going to fall
Where are you Alice?

Scrambled Eggs fried in my brain
You’re the bitch who’s gone insane
Push conformist shit on me…
Her cat just sits and grins
Are you there Alice?

Take me to another plain
Just can’t seem to escape the rain—my pain
Colors swirl inside my head
Wish for dead—peaceful sleep
Where are you Alice?!

Yeah, well I think the title says it all. It's lucky I could even get pen to paper, and then decipher it the next day. Like it or hate it, I had a great time.


Can I look into your eyes?
Your mystery
is a deceptive one.
Enigmatic skies quite blue
for someone so dark, so solemn.
My skies are clouded and gray.
And while I lay
overcast, on my pillow
I question.
Your breath,
your every step,
somewhat backward in slow
I long for some relief from your
superficial, polystyrene,
expressionless, plastic face.
Your sin is naked.
And every turn that you take
is shallow,
Your knowledge is
Lacking maybe?
But I watch.
And I laugh.
But I never stare, for
my insight will turn to stone
in the light of your unknown smile.
They love you,
So just grow up.

A couple of people "helped" me to write this one. Yeah, they kinda suck, but then I've found that most people do...


In each whisper
            Each caress,
I prescribe to clench my fists
         Grit my teeth
                   And start again.
I tear up the doctor’s order
           Throw the pills away
Because Prozac cannot wash anything
But the senses away.
You say be brave
          Tame my own lions.
With Athena’s beauty shining
          I see tomorrow
                    Bearing the gift of today
                                Though tonight
                                      May find thee dying.
Forgive my terror in your touch (error)
            Mistaken foreboding
Desperately closing in on us

And erasing you.

I love it when people are pricks to me, I really really do.

53rd Street

Pretend  that I'm a waterfall.
I will paint myself black in your memory
     As I cry my river.
A desperate quivering lip
Our child in one arm
     As I long to whisper
"Daddy's coming home now."

Well Vin, you really let us down, and I thank you for that. This is my very first published work. Go me!


The blinding intense pain.
The first cut.
The first drops of blood.
The blinding intense pain is replaced.
Now the dull ache of physical pain.
Feeling better.
Feeling fine.
Strangely fine.
More and more cuts follow.
The blood is flowing freely now.
Beautiful bittersweet waterfalls.
Cascade down already scarred wrists.
Beautiful bittersweet puddles.
The blinding intense pain, so hot.

Okay, yeah, so this one does indeed suck... but what's a poerty page with out some kind of morbid piece of junk?


Fall swiftly on this soft and secret grave
warm and singing rain.
For what is a grave without rain?
Mothers tears fall soft with kisses.
Not to scatter this embrace in which
we two are dwelling----
I and they---the dead as one
This crevice is our home.
Tears like song, lulling calm.
Nothing here can be disturbed---
lustrous and sweet amongst you forever
lay down beside me for all time
For I would not want to be anywhere,
but with you here in this
slow damp corruption.

I like it... not gonna say anymore.

As always, these works are MINE (and very personal to me). They may not be reproduced in part or whole without my explicit consent. Karma is a bitch... Rember that before you swipe something from my page.