The Green Pajamas
Cold Love
Left my heart with the ocean,
Left my hat at the door
Made my peace with Mona,
Made cold love on the floor
The wood was rough and dirty
Like the sliver in my heart
And like the sea outside her window,
There was no finish or start
Once one warm summer evening,
She, with her queer cat eyes,
Told me a secret over whisky
While we watched the moon rise
And Mona told me she'd murdered
That high school kid Donny White
Though there was no blood to speak of,
The moon glowed red that night
She broke my heart once too many,
Her fingernails broke my skin,
Though I swore I won't go back there
Here I go again
Still taste the salt on Mona
From a day in the sun
So yeah, I'm driving back down to see her
I don't care what she's done
I'll leave my heart with the ocean,
I'll leave my hat at the door
I'll make my peace with Mona,
We'll make cold love on the floor
by Jeff Kelly
(c) 2006 St. Brigid Publishing BMI