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This is a day of rejoicing when studies have come to an end,
When scriptures you memorized, then learned to comprehend
Will one day find their way in your delivery of a text
To those people who don't know this world from the next.

You won't have to stammer, trembling in despair and fear,
Because you will remember the lessons you learned here.
Led by an educator with extreme ability to teach,
And the love and compassion with which she can reach

Any individual who has the capacity to retain
What she, with Holy Spirit-given Wisdom will Explain,
And graciously imparts knowledge after hours of research,
That you wouldn't get in institution or church.

Heading this Seminary of Biblical Studies and Ministry
And agonizing before the throne over each degree
That she has the Authority and power to confer,
For each one brings a sense of completion to her.

Her heart goes with every Graduate she has taught
And every Honor she bestows, the Holy Spirit has wrought.
Because each student God entrusts to her care
Is diligently brought before the throne, in prayer.

That Diploma or Honor that each one receives
Is the ammunition that He or she believes
Will Glorify God and bring Him Praise and acclaim,
Because Souls will be won in Jesus' name.

Rejoice,O Graduate, for you are God's choice,
And enrollment here has made you His voice.
He made the way, the accomplishments very great
For this is your Graduation day, Two Thousand Eight.

By F.W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope