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All the Way


"All the way my Lord", that was what you said.
"I'll go all the way, dear Lord if I know I'm being led.
Dear Lord, be my guide in all I do and say
Only let me know that Jesus is with me all the way".

"I'll go where you want me to go", you sang it from your heart.
"I'll be glad to take the consequences, if you'll just set me apart".
The days then went so swiftly you lost yourself in work,
And met each task head on because you were never known to shirk.

You took responsibiliies and met each with a smile,
And knew that you were pleasing your Savior all the while.
The days passed into years with all you had to do,
And you worked on, never doubting that Christ was leading you.

Trials came and went and each you took in stride,
Prayerfully, and so grateful that I was by your side.
With prayer and meditation and studying in the Word,
Any thought of doing otherwise would have been, to you, absurd.

"It is such a joy to serve Him" you stood and testified,
"While walking with the Lord my soul is satisfied".
But now a situation has come into your life,
And your mind is having thoughts that cut you like a knife.

A bed of sore affliction and a time of dark despair
Have caused the doubts that Satan has placed there
To rob you of your joy, and grace to keep your word,
when you said so long ago "All the way, my Lord"

For Satan would deprive you of all the strength you need,
To meet THIS trial head on and instead would plant the seed
Of doubt to make you wonder if Jesus is still there,
and now with all this trouble, does He really care?

Remember, if you will, the trials along the way,
And how the blessed Savior has been with you every day.
Surely you remember what the story could have been
had Christ not died to save you and deliver you from Sin,

And just as you remembver that the ransom price was paid,
You must remember also the promise that you made
When you said: "If you'll go with me I'll follow all the way,
Only let me know that Jesus is with me all the way.

Now that you need it most, trust has been left out,
And in its place has come a tiny shred of doubt
That will feed on your faith and continue to grow,
Finally becoming a mountain over which you cannot go.

Now stop, weary one, and look to Calvary,
And to the Christ, who dying, paid your penalty,
To give you his love, his best, and grace with every dawn
To draw from Him the strength, to meet THIS test, HEAD ON,
with praise, renew your joy, with love, his sweet accord,
that you knew when first you said, "All the way, my Lord."

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope