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The Almost Christian

You've wanted to be God's servant, but opportunities have been slim,
You haven't been in the place or time where you could talk to Him
If you're one of those whom Satan has confused or beguiled
By trying to impress upon your spirit that you are not God's Child.

If you are basing your religion upon sermons you have heard
And you haven't looked to see if what they say is in God's word,
Or maybe there's a verse or two to which you stiffly cling
That indicate that you are free to do or say most anything.

You've always been a Christian so you no longer need to pray
Because The Great Creator knows all about you anyway
The Pastor said that Jesus stands with arms open wide
And wants you to understand that it was for you He died.

You go to Church each Sunday, but it doesn't feel very good
And you always give your Dollar, like a Good Christian should.
But you've been feeling lately that something is not quite right
You feel a bit uneasy and you don't sleep well at night.

It is time to take a good look at the person you have been,
Appearing outwardly to be a Christian, But a lost Sinner within.
Come to Jesus Right now and be a Christian all the way
Give your heart to Jesus, and start a Christian life today.

If You've come to Jesus now, through a Sermon and a Rhyme,
When you pray, you can now reach heaven every time
And when you belong to Jesus, He'll make you clean and pure
and you'll know in your heart that you're a Christian now for sure,

By F. W.(Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope