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Angel of Grace

Do you remember that man a day or two ago
Who looked like He'd had a rough row to hoe
He didn't ask for money, He said "I'll work for food"
And although you didn't do or say anything rude

As you passed him by you looked the other way
And pretended that you really didn't hear him say
"Could you spare some pocket change, just a dime or two,
Maybe there's some work I can do for you"

As you hurried on your thoughts began to arise,
You hadn't look to see the hunger in his eyes.
And didn't even notice His face or his hair,
And when you turned back, the man just wasn't there.

It's just as well you say, I avoided peoples stares.
Hebrews 13 mentions an Angel unawares.
You didn't even give that man a second glance,
And now you'll not likely get another chance,

To give that man a little pocket change,
And receive the blessings God can arrange
Even if you only do the tiniest part,
God gives a huge warm feeling in the heart.

Most importantly, you'll be performing God's will,
And giving someone else a pleasant thrill
now you may have temptation or a trial to go through,
And God may hear and send an Angel to you.

You cannot tell by the look on his face
Or if He was sent to show you God's Grace,
Just Heed God's Word to do good to all men
And you may get the chance to see an Angel again.

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope