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The Answer

Two thousand years ago a baby was born in Bethlehem.
His whole life would shine like a highly polished gem.
He turned everyone to God, directing them to repent,
Especially the tribe of Israel, to whom He was sent.

Urging them to repentance, and guidance from above,
But they preferred traditions instead of brotherly love.
And took the giver of life, laid many stripes upon His back,
Crowned him with inch-long thorns, turned his features black.

He suffered horrible agony; they put nails in his hands and feet.
But by his death upon a cross, Salvation was made complete.
Embalming His body, they placed Him in a borrowed tomb,
But the story doesn't end there, He hadn't met His doom,

He rose from the grave the third day, appeared to a host of friends,
Became the way to Heaven, by which this story ascends.
But, that was just the beginning of the benefits for you,
Because Jesus bought your salvation by what He went through.

All the sin in your whole life, every evil scheme and plan,
Was purged from existence by the blood of this perfect man.
The beating on His back (It's written in God's word),
The price you pay for healing, by faith, has already occurred.

If you look at what's recorded in Isaiah 53,
You'll see it not just words, it's law for you and me.
That when we believe the word and accept it as true,
That His body bore the punishment that was meant for me and you,

Take Jesus as your Savior now, claim healing in His name,
You'll be made completely whole, delivered from all shame.
You'll be released from the stigma of pain and defeat
And your Joy in Jesus will be full and complete.
By F.W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope