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Cupid's Arrow

An arrow sped my way from Cupid's little bow, poised to strike, it hovered, as though it didn't know if I were the one it was meant for, and then it hastened by, and buried itself quiveringly, and I heard a little sigh. I turned and saw the mark upon which the arrow fell, and the couple I saw arm in arm proved cupid had aimed well.

Again Cupid strung His bow, another sped my way, again it hovered, poised to strike, and quickly flitted away. Thus Cupid's arrows continue to leave me high and dry; always giving new hope, then silently flit by. But wait, one flutters past, I see the arrow veer; unwaveringly it strikes a target that is near.

I note the one beside me has now felt Cupid's sting, and fail to see the arrow that tugs my own hearts' string. The arrow came so quickly, it sped so true and fast. Happiness finally came my way, love is here at last.

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Reflections by Lucky Hope