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You've seen the picture before, three crosses on a hill,
With three bodies upon them, lifeless and still.
Or, perhaps only one cross, a lifeless body there,
Emphasized by the absence of the guilty pair.

The sinless lamb of God bore our sin and shame alone
To gain us access to the Father upon his throne.
Gods decree was bloodshed, a perfect lamb must die,
A law of atonement for sin that people could live by.

Because lamb's blood was only partially able to cover sin,
The Father created a sacrifice that would cleanse from within,
And make complete atonement that would last for all time,
Whether a little white fib or the most heinous crime.

So His Son came to endure unheard of agony and pain,
Who died on that cross to free us from sin's chain.
He, who descended from his heavenly throne to free
Unbelievers and sinners like you and me;

In three days His Father raised Him from the dead,
And raised up your soul and mine so that in our stead,
THAT body that had hung in shame and disgrace,
Battered and bruised, blood and spittle on his face,

Could be offered to God as the acceptable gift
That would make every sorrow and sin to lift,
Every negative and evil thought depart,
Because you accepted Jesus and gave Him your heart.

Your nights will be peaceful, your days sunny and bright
For you are now blood-washed and clean in God's sight.
No longer in doubt or under Sin's evil claim,
But redeemed and protected by Jesus Holy name.

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope (4/10/2007

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope