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After the Lord gave me some poetry and it was printed, He then saw fit
To allow me to experience the need for the comforting words in it.
20 hours of Brain Surgery took me right to the brink of death;
Totally unaware that I might be taking my very last breath.

There were weeks of total helplessness, many months to be confined,
With catheters and monitors, tubes and wires of every kind;
Yet there was never any doubt that whether I lived or died,
Whether conscious or unconscious, Jesus was by my side.

Though there was terrible pain and suffering, I never knew despair
Because I belong to Jesus and He was always there.
Though one side of my face was paralyzed and i could not swallow or see,
I never lost sight of the fact that JESUS CARES FOR ME.

I also had total vertigo, couldn't sit up without aid,
But with the Holy Spirit present, I could never be afraid.
As far as running and driving, etc., there was no hope they could give,
And at first, they weren't so sure that I would even live.

But friend, 25 years have passed, the Master had other plans for me,
And I eat, and stand, and run, and Drive, victoriously.
Vision perfect, paralysis gone, and what i want to do, I DO.!
So that I can tell you about Jesus and of His love for you.

And I know you're never sure you'll make it through each day,
But you can have Jesus beside you every step of the way.
I have strength and Peace, Joy and love, and Healing through and through;
And just by breathing the name of JESUS, YOU CAN HAVE THEM TOO.

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope