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You have been selected, the Holy Spirit made the choice,
That through Him, You should hear my voice,
And carry the impact of what I say to you
To harvest the hungry souls I shall send you to,

Like the ones with a heavy burden on their heart,
And think that providence has set them apart
To bear it all in anguish, and suffer day by day,
And you can show them that Jesus is the only way

They can end all the suffering that they're going through,
And you know the answer, for you've been there too.
The Holy Spirit made you whole and has set you apart
To tell them that Jesus can come into their heart,

And end the misery and all the heaviness
That has kept their life in such an awfully mess.
Now, because the Holy Spirit has picked you out
When a person is discouraged and full of doubt

To Guide that one to Jesus, whose blood has set them free,
Took away the burden and gave them victory.
Because you did His bidding and gave them the word,
That the Gospel of Jesus is the best thing they ever heard.

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope