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Birthday of God's Son

It's not recorded in the Bible when Jesus' Birthday actually was,
And yes, He had Birthdays, just like every other person does.
But on that day, his thoughts weren't on himself, as we often do,
His thoughts were on the future and what He really knew.

He may not have rested well, but at night would turn and toss
Because He, God in the flesh, knew His path led to the Cross.
He already knew the suffering and pain He must endure
But there was no option, His task was very sure.

A messiah had been promised to the Jews centuries before,
And Jesus knew that He was the one they all were waiting for.
But they didn't recognize him, because of the way He came
Which was gentle and meek instead of with pomp and fame.

For He was to be the Savior of Souls like you and Me,
And He was imprisoned and shamed so we could be free.
He had a few followers, but his own race did not believe,
That if they would just open their heart to Jesus and receive,

What He offered them, forgiveness from Sin and Strife,
In exchange for their repentance, He would give them Eternal life
But they turned him away with sneers and threats and scorn,
With no regard for the gift of God, the day His Son was born,

We celebrate our birthday, and make it a special day
of rejoicing and wrapped gifts and display,
A day has been selected for gifts to each other, with mirth,
That we can celebrate with gladness, the day of Jesus' birth.

Giving God praise and thanks for his infinite mercy and Grace
That his Son was born and lived, only to die in our place.
But He rose from the Grave with power to set the sinner free
And one day dwell with Jesus throughout eternity.

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope