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Bring It To Me

When you see a gorgeous sunset
With colorful clouds here and there
These glorious hues are God's way of saying
My Child, I always care.

I have numberless ways
of settling your problems for you
But when a problem comes, you must not wait
Until there's nothing more you can do.

For when the problem; a trial or a test
First rears its ugly head
That's not the time to start worrying,
but come to me instead.

For if you come to me first
And lay every burden at my feet,
I will give you the strength you need
To make your life complete.

The best thing will be the joy
That comes from knowing me,
And the sacrifice my son made
So that you can be set free.

For Jesus died on a cruel cross
To cancel all your sin
Then the Precious Holy Spirit
Can come and dwell within.

Trials will all seem so tiny,
the end of suffering and strife,
For the Father, Son and Holy Ghost
Are foremost in your life.

With Satan completely defeated
And from sin forever free
You'll have the joy of knowing
You have given it all to me.

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope