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In The Bygone Days

In the bygone days, I walked the streets of far-off Galilee, and from there to many places where disciples went with me. I took abuse and ridicule, just the same as you and all the things you've suffered - I have suffered too.

Many people since that time have been allowed to share a place of victory with me by having a load to bear; and bearing it with grace and love for all the world to see, that though I bore my cross alone, you're sharing yours with me.

Each one has a trial that he calls His cross to bear, but if complaint and sorrow show, there's no victory there. I promised trial and testing, to prove yourself to you, and to let YOUR life show others that I can take you through.

But if you take it grudgingly and let only sorrow show, defeat is what the world will see, and all that you will know. Every person has a trial, for that he cannot hide, but there's NO defeat when you know I am by your side.

I never left you for a moment, it's just that you forgot: I am with you when you're tested, as well as when you're not. Remember every promise when your load is hard to bear, then breathe my name JOYFULLY, and feel my presence there.

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope