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The Calling

Jesus, Son of God, who saved me
By the Blood you shed at Calvary,
Lifting my heavily burdened Soul
Out of the mire and making me whole

Taking away all the guilt and Shame
When I merely called upon your name,
Gave me such love, made me your child
And a new nature that is meek and mild.

Precious Abba Father, living in me every hour,
Keeping me from evil by your holy power,
Giving me Wisdom by your love and Grace,
Always with me when I daily seek your face.

You know my weaknesses and meet my need
Always guiding me in word and deed,
Taking me through every worry or care
When I am daily in praise and prayer.

Gracious Holy Spirit, showing me the way
To live my life for Jesus every day,
Walking in faith, following your lead,
Showing Christ's love in word and deed.

Making me your servant that all I do
May help others want to know Jesus too.
Being empowered to do and say
What will uplift and exalt Jesus every day.

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope