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You've surely heard the story, more than once or twice,
How God's Son Jesus made the supreme sacrifice,
And his life-blood was poured out on a cross at calvary,
And there he died, a price of ransom for you and me.

So when this life is over and you take your final breath
And you discover there really is life after death.
This is not about a story you know so very well,
It's about how your soul can escape a fiery hell.

It's not about the cross where Jesus bled and died for you,
It's about what the cruel Roman soldiers put Jesus through.
They made whips of six or eight thongs, a knot every inch or two,
And when a very strong man used it, it was something he loved to do.

They stripped and tied Jesus and the Roman had a peculiar knack
For with the whips he enjoyed stripping the flesh from Jesus' back.
Thirty-nine lashes was the limit and he administered them with glee,
After which Jesus ribs and spine were exposed and plain to see.

You'd think with all that blood-loss Jesus would be dead,
Brutality was the satisfaction upon which their lust was fed.
His lacerated body was now laying lifeless and still,
But they now forced him to carry a cross up Golgotha's hill.

They put his clothes upon him, which clung to him like a sack,
They'd made a cross of huge timbers which they laid upon Jesus back.
Wood, flesh and blood mingled which made him even more weak,
for this, an ancient culture, would provide the pleasure they seek.

His strength now gone, Jesus crumpled lifeless and still,
The cruel cross on top of him, part-way up the hill.
They compelled a man named Simon to carry the cross to the top,
Forcing Jesus to follow, and there they let Him drop.

But they were not through yet, there' was more to do that day,
His garments were stuck to encrusted blood, they tore the garments away.
Laying him on his back on the cross, they nailed his hands and feet,
Raising and dropping it into a hole, their task was almost complete.

He hung there in shame, naked, with spittle and mud in his beard,
While Pharisees and Roman soldiers hooted and howled and jeered.
Now, Jesus knew, long before,that He would endure such agony and shame,
But God's master plan, when you repent, and call on Jesus name,

The penalty for sin was paid that day when Jesus died,
And he now is waiting at the altar for you,, his arms open wide,
Saying: "Welcome home weary one, Jesus is waiting to set you free,
His blood gives full pardon and redemption for you and me.

By. F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope