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Have you sometimes wondered what this world was all about,
and why the conflicts and disaster have caused your doubt
that you could make a difference in anything you do
and whether any of your efforts might be a hindrance too?

When you've tried so hard to help someone along
with a scripture, a prayer or perhaps a song
and none of that has helped to set someone free
or given some relief from pain and misery?

Have you sighed and said "what's the use?",
all the while looking for some excuse
to back away from helping and trying to care
when there isn't any gratitude or interest there?

And you think what you've done wasn't really that good,
your intentions to help were misunderstood,
your actions and words were only in the way
and didn't keep someone else from going astray?

Remember, you are God's child and while your deed was small,
it doesn't matter whether a candle is short or tall.
Either will burn brightly and give the same amount of light,
illuminating your way, even in the blackest night.

So, when you think no one cares, there's nothing left to give,
Remember the little candle that shows the way to live.
Give your very best effort, burn brightly for your Lord,
This task is but a step toward your eventual reward.

God will make the difference in the deeds and love you show
if you keep working for Jesus, you can always know
that God receives the Glory, every thing comes out right,
God is victorious because you kept burning bright.

By F.W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope