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God Cares

If you're not in tune with the fashions nor the styles in vogue,
Which make you feel like you are a scoundrel and a rogue,
If you've always been a misfit in life no matter what you try,
And with changes or innovations you just sit down and cry,

When you have an obligation and you do your very best,
Does trying to meet the debt make you discouraged and depressed?
When a trial overwhelms because you haven't got a clue
About what the next move is to get all the way through;

If when there's a challenge or some test along the way
That makes you so distressed you can't think of what to say;
When you think no one can help you because you've gone too far,
And your thought processes aren't quite up to par,

When Satan has made you think you can't handle any more,
You've only known a small part of the Fiery darts in store,
For He will attack your weaknesses and try to stress you out,
He'll work on your emotions to fill your mind with doubt

That God cares for you, your thoughts will run wild,
He'll strive to make you think you are not still God's Child.
He has an urgent mission to cause you pain of every sort,
Because He knows his time is growing very short

And He cannot escape God's wrath, He'll be sent to a fiery Hell
Accompanied by those he was able to turn from God, as well.
His only mission is to place your life in Jeopardy,
And He's trying to take you with Him to that place of Misery.

He wants to convince you that your sins have placed you there,
And does not want you to know that God really does care.
And that God's penalty for sin is Death In Hell,
And you are racing to join him Pell Mell.

But you have a promise in God's word that is sure,
Because Jesus made your place in heaven secure
By suffering death on a cross In your place,
The gift of freedom by God's mercy and Grace.

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope