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One Choice

If you trust your own wisdom, whatever goal you travel toward,
Without taking time to ask for guidance from the Lord,
For every problem that occurs, every trial that comes to you,
Might happen to come out right, whatever you happen to do.

But what so many of us daily fail to realize,
Is that we only see these things with human eyes,
And though they come out pretty good when we do them our own way,
We won't know how much better, (if we'd only stopped to pray)

That God could have shown us a path normally dim,
And used the problem or trial to draw us close to Him.
But when our eyes are always upon the path just ahead,
Too anxious for success to let ourselves be led

Not looking for, guidance to know God's perfect way,
But working out our destiny, searching every day,
Striving to lift our heads above the dirt and grime
Of a world where evil lurks, with lust and greed, and crime.

We get so involved as we struggle on, unawares
That the God of all creation -- knows - - and loves - - and cares.
And, if we'll only let him, is waiting all the while -
To give our lives direction and strength for every trial,

And how God wrote a letter that we call His Word
Which says He sees the fall of every tiny bird.
And how your heavenly Father cares so much for you
That He provided a way to know, whatever you do,

That He's pleased when you take him every trial, every test,
And you learn that every time, God's way was always best
Placing Him in complete control of everything you do,
Knowing that His guidance will always bring you through

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope