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Chosen Servants

Whenever an Educator who teaches first grade
Evaluates her children for the things they have made,
She grades each one on the crafts they have wrought,
And what they have learned from what she has taught.

Development occurs in the brain of each Child,
And though ideas formed are sometimes wild,
She doesn't look for perfection alone,
But concentrates wholly on growth they've shown.

Although each project was different from the rest.
And no decisions on which one is best,
But the assessment is made on the final result
Of what is retained in the mind of an adult.

By the same token all seeds, it is well known,
Are not the same size when they are grown.
For some produce plants in the Eucalyptus class
While others only produce a tiny blade of grass.

Similarly, each of us has talents as gifts from God
But they are not all alike like peas in a pod.
These gifts are not specialties we each choose
But are talents God develops that He can use.

All selected to accomplish His needs,
But all began as God's planted seeds
That He gives Grace and the ability to grow,
But we can't begin fully developed, you know.

This same condition exists in the Body of Christ,
For some, by notoriety are lured and enticed
But God's servants all travel the hardship road
And all begin as a seed that God sowed.

He endows them with talent and patience to pray
And be available for His use, every day.
He produces a servant He can use and lead,
Who started out like the rest, as a tiny seed.

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope