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The Comforter Speaks

I said "I stand at the door and knock" and you thought t'was some other, and since that time I've spoken to you in one way or another. You expected something spectacular or a great and lasting shock, but I tell you now, I will only stand at your door and knock.

Nothing will force you to your knees or cause your heart to bow, to bring the contentment to your heart that you are seeking now. You are thinking "No one knows the thoughts that are hidden inside of me"; but I know them all and can bring them out for all the world to see.

Your days have been unhappy, your sleepless nights, - recall? How you sat and counted the brushmarks on the wall? You can go on in despair and never find release, or open your heart to me and let it fill with peace.

There'll be joy beyond description, the end of sinful strife, when you kneel in complete surrender and let me share your life. Then your lips will sing praises with the saints in one accord, and all your hatred turn to love, THUS SAITH THE LORD!

By F.W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry By Lucky Hope