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The Lord's Command

Christians shouldn't be shackled with envy and hate
Nor any other evil thought Satan uses to penetrate
A heart so emotional it hasn't the strength to resist
The feelings of uncertainty and doubt that twist.
A normally easy-going and loveable soul
Into an Ill-tempered creature with no other goal
Than to torment someone so endlessly
that they wander like an itinerant vessel at sea

Until thoroughly broken, they stumble and fall
Over something that shouldn't have tripped them at all.
While dismal breezes of discontent and malice flow
And hearts and lives, without Jesus, even colder grow.

If that description fits a person or couple you know,
Jesus agonized, for them, far beyond worry or woe.
Although He died and was buried, God resurrected His Son
The work of Christ's shed blood was finished and done.

All the mysteries of heaven, unfolded before us then,
More glorious than can be described by ink and pen.
Every sin that would have kept us from meeting at the throne
Gone because Christ's Blood can so completely atone.

When You and I will stand worshiping God's worthy lamb
Who'll be known by another name - the Great I Am.
Leader of the greatest Army this world has ever known
Souls like us, who are forever and victoriously His Own.

So we should now, while time still exists
Bring those loved ones in sin's shadows and mists,
Urgently and strongly before the throne of Grace,
That they would with us, meet Jesus, face to face.

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope